Krones Freising
If you enjoy drinking a cool beer in the evening, there is every chance that it found its way into the bottle via a Krones filling system, or that it was brewed in a Krones brewing vessel. The Krones Group, based in Neutraubling, Germany, is the market leader in the fields of process, filling and packaging technology as well as intralogistics.
The Steinecker plant of Krones AG is located in the Bavarian town of Freising. This is where the company designs and manufactures plants for brewing and process technology and develops new beer-making technology. Stainless steel tanks with a diameter of 14 m are required for this purpose. Krones AG believes in a high level of vertical integration to reduce manufacturing costs and avoid interface problems. For this reason, it manufactures its tanks itself. One member of staff needs to be able to move safely within and around the tanks in order to pickle and clean them. To this end, Scheffer supplied a telescopic bridge crane with an overhead working platform mounted on it. The construction was specially equipped with appropriate safety devices for transporting people in cooperation with SGS-TÜV and subjected to type-approval testing pursuant to the EC Machinery Directive (2006/42/EC Annex IV) and BVG-D6. Krones employees can now use it to travel safely and conveniently to all the necessary points of the tanks.