
Kerschgens Stahl & Mehr in Stolberg

Kerschgens Stahl & Mehr in Stolberg made it their business in 2007 to modernize the warehouse equipment with optimization of the material and information flow in a series of stages.

VRW Iron- and Steel Trading Company

“It's always a good choice to invest in customer satisfaction”, as we say at Scheffer. “That’s right”, the leaders of the VRW Iron- and Steel Trading Company in Schwäbisch Gmünd agree.

Load-stabilised Scheffer for solution Bender-Ferndorf Rohr GmbH

Our customer, Bender-Ferndorf Rohr GmbH, placed the requirement for safe and efficient logistics and crane transport of large pipes and steel coils in their manufacturing facilities. As exceptionally small approach dimensions, low installation heights, limited wheel loads combined with an increase in the load bearing capacity were specified to us, the design scope for a new solution appeared to be limited.

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